Children’s House
The Children’s House is for children ages 3-6 and is the Kindergarten grade equivalent. Children’s House is the special Montessori term for 3-6-year-old classes because the carefully prepared environment for these children includes so much more than just school work. It is, in fact, a small version of the world, a world scaled down to the child’s age and ability level. Work in the Children’s House includes everything from taking care of the classroom environment and learning practical life skills to studies in Math and Reading.
Children’s House Groups
CH Ash:
Ariel Griswold, CH Teacher, [email protected]
CH Elm:
Laura Lonnquist, CH Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
Jennifer Bahrke, CH Teacher Partner, [email protected]
CH Oak:
Peggy Enerson, Teacher, [email protected]
Ashley DeGolier, CH Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
Elementary I (E1)
Children, ages 6-9 (1st-3rd grade equivalent), are a part of the E1 classroom. The full curriculum is designed to be completed over 3 years. In keeping with the Montessori philosophy, subjects are offered in an integrated way and the children come to understand how everything they learn is interrelated. Children work at their own pace. The learning environment continues to be based on the use of concrete Montessori materials and children learn through experience and discovery.
E1 Groups
E1 Apple:
Ethan Marcus, E1 Teacher, [email protected]
Alexis Grack, E1 Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
E1 Birch:
Patricia Hoerner, E1 Teacher, [email protected]
Dr. Jennie Asher, E1 Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
E1 Maple:
Anna Bashans, E1 Teacher, [email protected]
Allyssa Sims, E1 Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
Elementary II (E2)
The E2 curriculum is a continuation of the Montessori educational experience. Students attending the upper elementary program acquire a strong foundation in academic skills and a genuine love of learning. Students are placed in a multi-age grouping consisting of ages 9-12 (4th-6th grade equivalent). The goal of the E2 curriculum is to lead the students to abstract work. Montessori materials at this level are used to promote the classification and organization of information. Students continue to learn through experience and discovery. They explore the wider community through visits, field trips, and community service. They are responsible for planning activities within and outside the school. They do their research, analyze their information, and reach their conclusions. By the end of the E2 Montessori program, students are expected to be independent learners who have learned how to learn.
E2 Groups
E2 Spruce:
Rhonda Rossing, E2 Teacher, [email protected]
Michelle Nadeau, E2 Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
E2 Walnut:
Jeff Grand, E2 Teacher, [email protected]
Meghan Rettke, E2 Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
E2 Willow:
Brandy Barrette, E2 Teacher, [email protected]
Christine La Plante, E2 Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
Erdkinder or Elementary III (E3)
This is our middle school section including grades 7 and 8.
E3 Groups
E3 Mulberry:
Michelle Stevens Martig, E3 Teacher, [email protected]
Maggie Schroeder, E3 Teacher, [email protected]
Nicole Winkle, E3 Special Education Teacher, [email protected]
Physical Education
Physical Education is a unique and important aspect of the school curriculum as it prepares the whole person by learning through movement. The goal of the NDMA physical education program is to provide equal and quality opportunities that address the physical, social, and intellectual needs of an individual in order to develop physically literate people whom have the knowledge and skills to be lifelong movers. The program will follow the SHAPE America National Standards below.
SHAPE America’s National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a highly effective physical education program. States and local school districts across the country use the National Standards to develop or revise existing standards, frameworks and curricula.
Standard 1 – The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 – The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3 – The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4 – The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5 – The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Citation: National Standards for K-12 Physical Education Copyright 2013, SHAPE America –Society of Health and Physical Educators, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191, All rights reserved.
Contact Spencer at [email protected] or 320.234.6362 ext. 2005
Mrs. Lauer is the Music Specialist at NDMA.
Music is offered to all Pre-K, CH, E1, E2 and E3 Students. Choral Discoveries has returned and is offered one day a week to students in grades 5-8.
Music class consists of covering the 9 National Music Standards and following Montessori Music Notebook. There is a lot of hands-on learning with instruments, games, singing, and dancing. We have a theme for each month which is one of the National Standards. There is a composer of the month, an instrument of the month, and a music term of the month. We do various activities around each of these monthly components!
The CH and E1 programs are about Kindness. It is fun and exciting to learn new songs and lots of facts about Kindness!
E2 and E3 music classes will also cover the 9 National Music Standards and follow the Montessori Music Notebook. They will have the same Composer of the month, Instrument of the month, and term of the month.
In addition, E2 and E3 classes learn Ukuleles, Recorders, and Bucket drumming. Those in Grades 5 – 8 are given the opportunity to be a part of the “Discoveries Choir”. For information on the “Discoveries Choir” please contact Cyndi Ryan-Lauer at [email protected].
Rachel Randall, Library Specialist, [email protected]
Click the link below to see what’s new in your school library!
Check out these resources for inspiration!
School Psychologist

Hello! My name is Ms. Christian and I am the School Psychologist for New Discoveries Montessori Academy. I have been with NDMA since Fall 2014 when I started as an intern. Now I hold an MA in Child Psychology and a Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Minnesota. I love working with students at New Discoveries! Many students choose to meet with me in my office to play games, visit Chloe (my Rottweiler who visits NDMA and is training to be a therapy dog), or just talk. I also serve as co-coordinator of our special education team, and support teachers and parents to serve our students. In the past, I’ve also worked with classrooms on mindfulness skills. When I’m not at NDMA, I enjoy playing with Chloe, my sons, and my husband. We like to snowmobile and ice fish in the winter, and swim or boat in the summer. We travel to the Big Horn mountains whenever we can!
Elizabeth Christian, Ph.D., School Psychologist
- [email protected]
- Office: 320.234.6362 ext 2030
- Google Voice: 612.405.2411
Click below to view my YouTube videos of mindfulness activities!
Preschool Pricing
3-year-old by September 1st
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (half-day) Includes breakfast and lunch.
$300.00/month tuition (scholarship applications available)
$300.00/month for transportation within Hutchinson city limits (scholarship applications available)
4-year-old by September 1st
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:15 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. (full-day) or 8:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (half-day by request only)
Includes: breakfast and lunch transportation
$0.00/month. No charge.